Hasieralong-term care

long-term care

63rd Congress of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SEGG). Healthy ageing: a shared challenge

 Mota: Kongresoa
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Pamplona

Pamplona will bring together the best specialists in geriatrics and social and biological gerontology, both national and international, to talk about what matters to everyone: how to age better and how we can all work together to achieve it.



Walking the talk for dementia Symposium

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Santiago de Compostela

On 5 and 6 May we will meet in the Auditorium of the Hotel San Francisco in Santiago de Compostela to talk about how we live, work and research dementia today, providing ideas for a fairer and more inclusive future for all.

Among the speakers, our colleague and researcher at Matia Institute, Sara Marsillas, will participate in a panel on non-pharmacological interventions, sharing with the audience our experience in bringing the world of culture and art closer to people with dementia from the DCUM project.



Working the Lezo care ecosystem: the experience of Usurbil

 Mota: Besteak
 Ezagutza lerroa: 

This afternoon at 19:00h we will participate in a talk given by our colleague and researcher at Matia Institute, Irati Mogollón, on aspects related to the creation of the Lezo Care Ecosystem.

In our intervention we will talk about the experience and the lessons learned from the Usurbil ecosystem.



II Xornadas de saúde mental: benestar emocional na terceira idade envellecemento activo

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Casa de Cultura de Bertamiráns

Conference organised by the Concello de Ames, which is aimed at people and professionals from all sectors interested in psychological wellbeing in the elderly and active ageing. It will include a round table, two conferences and two practical workshops.

Among the participants, our colleague and researcher at Matia Institute, Sara Marsillas, PhD in psychology from the USC and expert in healthy ageing, will give the conference "Caring for caregivers".

Participation is free of charge, subject to prior registration via the following e-mail address jornadas.ames@gmail.com


Long-term care at home

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo de la Universidad de Zaragoza

Addressing long-term care at home is a challenging subject to analyse and study due to the possibilities of reformulating the conceptual framework, based on comprehensive models centred on users with ecosystemic approaches adapted to the territory.

It is increasingly important to consider the advances that are being developed in long-term care, in order to respond to the needs and concerns of people who want to remain at home, promoting, maintaining and preserving their autonomy as much as possible.


Accompanying from the talent. "Keys to adopting a new approach to the person in care".

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 

Presentation event of SEE ME ("Look at me"), an Erasmus + KA2 project in which a training toolkit has been developed with the aim of contributing to the improvement of care and social inclusion of older people by addressing their social and meaning needs, talents and dreams.

This toolkit has been co-designed in an iterative process with carers, volunteers and the organisations that make up the project consortium.

Inskripzio orria

Erakunde bati lotuta ez bazaude, idatzi “interes pertsonala”

Datu Pertsonalen Babesaren arloan indarrean dagoen araudia betez, tratamenduaren arduraduna MATÍA FUNDAZIOA da, Pinuen bidea 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Donostia, IFK: G20053583, Telefonoa: 943317100, helbide elektronikoa: info@matia.eus.

Datuak tratatzeko oinarria erabiltzailearen baimena da, eta tratamenduaren helburua haren kontsulta edo iradokizunari erantzutea da.

Datuak gorde egingo dira harremanean dauden bitartean eta ezabatzeko eskatzen ez den bitartean, eta, nolanahi ere, aplikatu beharreko legezko preskripzio-epeak betez.

Ez zaie daturik lagako hirugarrenei, legeak hala agindu ezean, eta ez daude aurreikusita datu horien nazioarteko transferentziak.

Interesdunek datuetan sartzeko, datuak zuzentzeko, ezabatzeko, eramangarritasunerako, tratamendua mugatzeko edo aurka egiteko eskubideak erabil ditzakete. Horretarako, idatzi bat bidali behar dute Matia, Pinos pasealekua 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián, Contacto DPD: dpd@matia.eus. baita Kontrol Agintaritzaren aurrean (Datuak Babesteko Espainiako Agentzia: www.agpd.es) erreklamatzekoa ere.



Erlazionatutako argitalpenak

State Deinstitutionalisation Strategy: "For a good life in the community".

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Madrid

Currently, many of these services for people with greater support needs are provided in large institutions and the aim of the future Strategy is precisely to try to promote services that enable people to live independently and autonomously in their family, social and community environment.

The future Strategy for De-institutionalisation and development of community support services aims to prioritise personalised care in the community.


Moving towards a caring society

 Mota: Besteak
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Casa de Kultura de Barañain

The "Larrain" Association of Elderly People of Barañain is organising "Conversations on care" which will take place at the Casa de Kultura in Barañain and in which our colleagues Nerea Etxaniz and Virginia Oliván, researchers at the Matia Institute, will take part.

The two experts in ageing and care will talk about the desire of the elderly to continue living at home when they need care and whether this is possible with the current model of care and the current model of society.


5th Pillars for Personal Autonomy Foundation Awards

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Madrid

In order to recognise and make visible those initiatives that advance towards the continuous improvement of the quality of life of people who require support, the Pilares Foundation for Personal Autonomy announces the biennial Pilares Foundation Awards for Best Practices related to the AICP Model.


Architectures for ageing

 Mota: Kurtsoa
 Ezagutza lerroa: 

This UIK summer course addresses different aspects related to the ageing of the population from a social, urban and architectural perspective, with contributions from complementary disciplines. From the urban to the housing scale, we will look at the needs and the socio-economic and gender factors that hinder the ageing process in order to analyse possible measures aimed at improving the quality of life of this section of the population and, through it, of society as a whole, taking into account their life cycles.


14 de septiembre


