HasieraSocial centres

Social centres

Presentation of the "Convive" Model of the centres of Fundación Caja Navarra

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Pamplona

Fundación Caja Navarra has been working on a change of model for its centres for the elderly. This new model, which we at Matia Instituto have supported, is the result of collaborative work between the elderly and the professional teams at the centres, as well as the Foundation itself.

In order to make the knowledge gathered during this time available to society, a guide has been drawn up, which will be presented publicly at this meeting, together with some of the good practices worked on in the centres, which are sure to be inspiring.



Talks series: "Surveillance system upside down".

 Mota: Besteak
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Oñati

Within the framework of a series of meetings on care organised by Oñati Town Council, our colleagues from Mati Instituto, Nerea Almazán and Nerea Etxaniz will be giving a talk on 9 November entitled: "Growing old in the 21st century. Models and challenges", which focuses on the diversity of realities of the elderly population that clashes with the ageist view that homogenises them.

To do so, we will talk about myths, Social Centres for the Elderly, elderly women and rethink the care we want.

The activity will start at 18:00 on the third floor of Eltzia.


Helduak Zabaltzen - II. Inter-municipal technical meeting for the transformation of the Social Centres for the Elderly in the Basque Country

The Social Centres for the Elderly: Is change necessary?

 Mota: Kurtsoa
 Ezagutza lerroa: 

This Summer Course will be held face to face and there will also be the possibility to participate live online through ZOOM. Select in the enrolment process how you are going to participate: in person or live online.
