Hasieragood practice

good practice

VII European Good Practice Day on Friendliness

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Auditorio Museo Guggenheim. Bilbao

A new event organised by Euskadi Lagunkoia, the network of friendly municipalities in the Basque Country promoted by the Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government, which aims to encourage the participation of the elderly and citizens in general to improve neighbourhoods and environments in the municipalities of the Basque Country so that we can continue to live our lives as we get older.


Erlazionatutako argitalpenak

Erlazionatutako blog-sarrerak

Older people's participation as a right: experiences of good practice

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Online

Participation is a right and a tool that people have not only to promote and influence the democratic health of the country and its institutions, but also to take part in those elements that affect people's lives and improve certain elements of their own well-being.


Zaharrak gara eta libre

 Mota: Besteak
 Ezagutza lerroa: 

This Friday we are taking part in a round table entitled "Zaharrak gara eta libre" (We are old and free), which forms part of the cycle of conferences on care organised by Usurbil Town Council and Emagin Elkartea.


Supporting preferences that involve risks

 Mota: Webinar
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Online

The development of care approaches centred on people's wishes and autonomy entails the need for resources and strategies that promote it. At Matia and ACP Gerontology we wanted to contribute to the establishment of good practices applicable either in the home or in social and healthcare centres, with the publication of two new materials that are part of the project "Routes for the Advancement of Person-Centred Care". 

Inskripzio orria

Erakunde bati lotuta ez bazaude, idatzi “interes pertsonala”

Datu Pertsonalen Babesaren arloan indarrean dagoen araudia betez, tratamenduaren arduraduna MATÍA FUNDAZIOA da, Pinuen bidea 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Donostia, IFK: G20053583, Telefonoa: 943317100, helbide elektronikoa: info@matia.eus.

Datuak tratatzeko oinarria erabiltzailearen baimena da, eta tratamenduaren helburua haren kontsulta edo iradokizunari erantzutea da.

Datuak gorde egingo dira harremanean dauden bitartean eta ezabatzeko eskatzen ez den bitartean, eta, nolanahi ere, aplikatu beharreko legezko preskripzio-epeak betez.

Ez zaie daturik lagako hirugarrenei, legeak hala agindu ezean, eta ez daude aurreikusita datu horien nazioarteko transferentziak.

Interesdunek datuetan sartzeko, datuak zuzentzeko, ezabatzeko, eramangarritasunerako, tratamendua mugatzeko edo aurka egiteko eskubideak erabil ditzakete. Horretarako, idatzi bat bidali behar dute Matia, Pinos pasealekua 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián, Contacto DPD: dpd@matia.eus. baita Kontrol Agintaritzaren aurrean (Datuak Babesteko Espainiako Agentzia: www.agpd.es) erreklamatzekoa ere.



I want to decide about my life, do you know how to support me?

 Mota: Webinar
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Online

The development of care approaches centred on people's wishes and autonomy entails the need for resources and strategies that promote it. From Matia and ACP Gerontology we wanted to contribute to the establishment of good practices applicable either at home or in social and health centres, with the publication of a material that is part of the project "Routes for the Advancement of Person-Centred Care".


Erlazionatutako argitalpenak

Society and dignified treatment of the elderly: Are we doing it right?

 Mota: Webinar
 Lekua: YouTube Live



Beste profesional batzuk

Health and mutrition best practices in Spain. Training visit

 Mota: Besteak
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Madrid

Meeting of experts organised by Dedoreon and AGEVida dedicated to the presentation of good practices on health and nutrition. At Matia Instituto we have contributed our experience and the results that we have been observing after the implementation of a menu of good practices in several of our centres.
