InicioPublicacionesTowards centres free of restrictions: identification of factors needed

Towards centres free of restrictions: identification of factors needed

 Línea de conocimiento: Planificación y modelos de atención

The study of the culture and evolution of ageing of our elderly is a basic and important issue when developing new objectives and techniques in their intervention. The contribution to the quality of life of the elderly and their families, is understood as: 

  • The maintenance and/or improvement of their autonomy, functional capacity, physical and emotional wellbeing, satisfaction, integration and maintenance of social and family relations, 
  • The guarantee and promotion their rights in order to fully satisfy their expectations and, 
  • Identifying and minimizing risks in care, it has led professionals to review the daily practices incorporated in the care model for people in situations of dependency at gerontological centres according to the opinions of users and families, in addition to the considerations of ethical and professional reference teams that include the person and their dignity above all.