HasieraKonposizio aholkuakKonposizio aholkuak

Konposizio aholkuak

  • No HTML tags allowed.
  • You may use [block:module=delta] tags to display the contents of block delta for module module. To discover module names and deltas, visit admin/build/block and hover over a block's configure link and look in your browser's status bar. The last "word" you see is the name of the module and the number following that is the delta. If you leave off the delta in an Insert Block tag, the default delta will be used.

  • Insert view filter allows to embed views using tags. The tag syntax is relatively simple: [view:name=display=args]
    For example [view:tracker=page=1] says, embed a view named "tracker", use the "page" display, and supply the argument "1".
    The display and args parameters can be omitted. If the display is left empty, the view's default display is used.
    Multiple arguments are separated with slash. The args format is the same as used in the URL (or view preview screen).
    Valid examples:

  • Web gune eta posta helbideak lotura bezala agertuko dira automatikoki.
  • Lines and paragraphs are automatically recognized. The <br /> line break, <p> paragraph and </p> close paragraph tags are inserted automatically. If paragraphs are not recognized simply add a couple blank lines.