InicioParticipación en forosArt and culture, a window to the meaning of life in dementia

Art and culture, a window to the meaning of life in dementia

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: Active aging and friendliness
 Localización: Donostia - San Sebastián

On 8 June, an interesting meeting will take place in Donosti in which experts from different fields will discuss the opportunities offered by the incorporation of people with dementia as active agents and protagonists of activities with cultural and artistic background. 

As a starting point, the resources and materials resulting from the European project "DCUM - Cultural mediation in dementia" will be presented, a four-year initiative through which a series of lessons and good practices have been collected that invite to launch initiatives that combine both worlds (art and dementia). 

Beyond the benefits for the wellbeing of people with dementia, their families and carers, which are endorsed by the testimonies and observation resulting from the experience, the inclusion in the field of the arts of groups such as people with dementia should be a commitment acquired by all agents in the cultural field, guaranteeing the enjoyment of these activities on an equal footing with the rest of the citizenry.

Art as an element that favours communication. Art as a lever for inclusion, raising awareness and breaking stereotypes. Art as a window to the sense of belonging, to the sense of life... to people's wellbeing. 


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