Iniciohealth and social services

health and social services

Care in the community: innovation and transformation from local policies

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Barcelona

This conference aims to be a space for knowledge, reflection and debate on local care policies from different perspectives: the improvement and innovation in services and resources of proximity, such as home help, home care technologies, functional adaptation of housing and personal assistance; integrated care and strengthening of public-community cooperation in the framework of care throughout life; recognition and resources for caregivers and advancement towards caregiving municipalities that place care as an axis of municipal action, key to sustainability of life and social cohesion.


Course: Person-Centred Care Integration of knowledge and improvement of social and health care services.

 Tipo: Curso
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Cuenca

The progressive increase of people in a situation of vulnerability AND dependency in today's developed societies and more specifically in rural areas such as the province of Cuenca where, due to depopulation, the elderly are becoming lonely and in need in their own homes or in senior citizen centres or centres especially for people with some kind of disability, has become a problem with an important economic and social dimension that must be tackled by the different administrations through appropriate and efficient public policies.


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