HasieraForoetan parte hartzeaBSENIOR "Ageism, after 45, what?"

BSENIOR "Ageism, after 45, what?"

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: Active aging and friendliness
 Lekua: Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona

Barcelona Women Acceleration Week (BWAW) celebrates its second edition with the aim of accelerating and energising gender equality to help achieve full participation and equal opportunities for women in the industrial sector locally and globally.

BWAW is an event with a difference: a peer-to-peer, hybrid debate on a digital platform, which aims to become a model for value-added activities that contribute to universally accessible progress towards gender equality.

We are going to participate in the BSENIOR session "Ageism, after 45, what?" Moderated by Roser Xalabarder, President, Observatori Dona, Empresa i Economía - ODEE and with the speakers:

  • Sara Berbel, Municipal Manager, Barcelona City Council. 
  • Elena del Barrio, Co-Director, Matia Instituto
  • Isabel Oliver, Office of the Secretary-General, World Tourism Organization - UNWTO 
  • Iñaki Ortega, Professor, UNIR. 
  • David Roch, Assistant Professor, Universidad Pontificia Comillas. 
