

Training of caregivers in competencies for person-centred care

 Tipo: Webinar
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

Today, an estimated 5 million paid caregivers are needed to care for the elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean. At the rate of population ageing in the region, 14 million will be needed by 2050.

How to move towards more training and professionalisation? This will be the main topic to be addressed in a webinar aimed at disseminating the results of research in the field of training for carers in long-term care centres in Colombia, Costa Rica and Uruguay.


Publicaciones relacionadas

Accompanying from the talent. "Keys to adopting a new approach to the person in care".

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 

Presentation event of SEE ME ("Look at me"), an Erasmus + KA2 project in which a training toolkit has been developed with the aim of contributing to the improvement of care and social inclusion of older people by addressing their social and meaning needs, talents and dreams.

This toolkit has been co-designed in an iterative process with carers, volunteers and the organisations that make up the project consortium.

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Publicaciones relacionadas

Dissemination day of the results of the QAVAD project

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Hendaia

On Friday, July 1st, we will have the presentation of the results of QAVAD, a European Erasmus + project that, from the binomial accompaniment/care and training, seeks to promote the development or maintenance of cognitive, motor and social skills, essential for the quality of life of those people who require support and wish to remain in their homes. 


9:30h Welcome

9:40h About QAVAD


Care matters. Gender impact on carers of elderly and dependent people in times of Covid-19.

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Bizkaia Aretoa, Sala Arriaga.

The aim of the conference is to present the results of the research project "CUMADE. Care matters. Gender impact on carers of the elderly and dependents in times of Covid-19" carried out between June 2020 and June 2021. The aim of the research is to reveal the social dynamics that have had an impact on the care of elderly and dependent people, in order to give visibility to the difficulties that carers have had to face the health crisis, as well as the strategies to face it from the point of view of creativity, empowerment and solidarity.

Otros profesionales

III Conference on Conciliation, Co-responsibility and Diversity: "The Elderly and Post-pandemic: Rights, Risks and Opportunities"

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online or face-to-face (Madrid, C/ Alberto Aguilera, 23)

In this III Conference on Conciliation, Co-responsibility and Diversity organised by the Observatory of Conciliation, Co-responsibility and Diversity of the Comillas Pontifical University, we will debate on the elderly in this post-pandemic period from three important perspectives: legal, economic-business and social-healthcare.
