

Talks series: "Surveillance system upside down".

 Type: Others
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Oñati

Within the framework of a series of meetings on care organised by Oñati Town Council, our colleagues from Mati Instituto, Nerea Almazán and Nerea Etxaniz will be giving a talk on 9 November entitled: "Growing old in the 21st century. Models and challenges", which focuses on the diversity of realities of the elderly population that clashes with the ageist view that homogenises them.

To do so, we will talk about myths, Social Centres for the Elderly, elderly women and rethink the care we want.

The activity will start at 18:00 on the third floor of Eltzia.


Older women's rights: breaking myths and stereotypes

 Type: Webinar
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Online

Our colleague and co-director of Matia Instituto, Elena del Barrio, will participate in this webinar organised by the Gregorio Peces-Barba Human Rights Institute in collaboration with the UC3M Equality Unit, the Access to Justice and Vulnerability project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation in its 2019 programme and HelpAge Spain.


10:00 Inauguration and Framework Conference. Isabel Martínez Lozano. HelpAge

10:30 a 11:00. Social participation: Breaking stereotypes.


Well-treating and ageing. Practical implications

 Type: Course
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Donostia-San Sebastián

Despite the great heterogeneity that characterises ageing people, the available data show that the social image of ageing is generally associated with deterioration and dependence. As a result, the protection of the rights of older people is gradually becoming a core issue in most planning aimed at improving the daily lives of citizens.


Other Professionals

Cycle "Emotions and Loneliness": Conference "Dismantling stereotypes about age and ageing"

 Type: Webinar
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Online

On 19th May we will talk on AfundaciónTV about ageism: stereotypes, feelings and discriminatory treatment towards the elderly (or young people) because of their age, with Elena del Barrio, within the cycle Emotions and Solitudes.
