Non-pharmacological management of behavioural disturbances in people with dementia

When we talk about dementia in general, it is very common to talk about behavioural disturbances. These appear in 50-80% of people diagnosed with dementia in any of its stages.
Psychological and behavioural symptoms in dementia are alterations that often generate a great sense of frustration and suffering for both the person and the family/caregiver, as they can be a determining factor in the progression of the disease and/or degree of dependence.
This material, in guide format, analyses and briefly explains the most common psychological and behavioural symptoms as well as the recommendations based on the four main pillars on which care should be based: the space in which the person lives, how we help them in self-care, the way in which we communicate with them and how we encourage occupation as something therapeutic. Through an appropriate approach we will be able to deal better with these situations.