Social participation, a guide to action

Social participation means helping to make decisions that affect our community and society, and collaborating when they are implemented. To do this, everyone contributes what they know, their time and their resources. Social participation makes us an active part of society.
This new guide, drawn up by Matia Instituto, with the collaboration of the municipalities of the Euskadi Lagunkoia Network, and written in Easy Reading, brings together the keys to encourage social participation and the creation of friendly environments for the elderly.
It does so with a complete and didactic explanation, through examples of experiences and good practices carried out in the municipalities that are members of this network, as well as in other places both in Spain and internationally.
Older people have participated in the implementation of the network by making decisions about their environment and the policies that affect them. It is vital that they participate and that public administrations, associations, volunteers, companies and citizens in general collaborate.