The SAREA project aims to improve child and elderly care services in Guipuzcoa and the Atlantic Pyrenees through the development of innovative models and practices that enhance the empowerment of users and families in the design of their life projects.
The Matia Gerontological Institute is the unit of Matia Fundazioa dedicated to creating applicable knowledge and its dissemination in society (R+D+i). A unique centre in the Basque Country, with 10 years of experience.
The objective of this Institute is to collaborate in the definition of new models of prevention, care and health, as well as in providing support during the changes associated with ageing and the development of business projects that add value and quality to ageing, creating new solutions based on the knowledge of each of the members of the foundation.
The collaboration between Matia Instituto and Afundación began in 2017 with the aim of developing a specific action to address the emotional state of the elderly. This action was generated following a co-creation methodology focused on people with participants of the Espazos +60.
The EDEN project was born from the interest of having a common European approach to one of the social challenges on the horizon, such as the growing number of people with dementia in the region.
The need to unify the training of future professionals and the demands of the market in relation to this new way of understanding care for people (PCC) is now becoming apparent.
This study, like its predecessor, "Comer a gusto, vivir con calidad", aims to increase the well-being, nutrition and hydration o
The practice "Eating well, living with quality" is part of a process of institutional change of the care model and is developed from a participatory action-research approach. It is part of a broader institutional project in which actions at the organizational, architectural, training, etc.
It is a social action program based on the training of social workers to improve the quality of life of dependent elderly people and people with functional diversity. The project focuses on combining "life projects" and "care projects", providing personalized support through holistic solutions.
What's the cyberphysical system?
Existing flexible ICT solutions could assist elderly users with cognitive impairment in organising, carrying out and completing everyday tasks and constitute essential factors for continuing to be and A1:K20 independent. IN LIFE will offer all-around, personalised, multi-faceted existing ICT solutions and services addressing diverse daily activities (eating, physical activity, commuting, mental stimulation, communication, social interaction, etc.) to users with cognitive impairment living in their own home or in sheltered homes, as well as to their formal and informal carers.