Family care for people in situations of dependency is a major social challenge and a problem that is on the rise, as it generates a significant and progressive increase of the responsibility of the family to provide support and assistance, day after day, for a typically very long period, to a rel
The Matia Gerontological Institute is the unit of Matia Fundazioa dedicated to creating applicable knowledge and its dissemination in society (R+D+i). A unique centre in the Basque Country, with 10 years of experience.
The objective of this Institute is to collaborate in the definition of new models of prevention, care and health, as well as in providing support during the changes associated with ageing and the development of business projects that add value and quality to ageing, creating new solutions based on the knowledge of each of the members of the foundation.
In the coming years, the Basque society, like the rest of Spain and Europe, faces several challenges related to geriatric care provided to the elderly, because the current model geriatric care is both an economically and socially unsustainable residential model:
Usurbilgo Esperientzia Eskola 55 urtetik gorako Usurbilgo herritarrek, lan mundua utzi ostean, esperientziak landu, elkar-trukatu eta ezagutza berriak eurenganatzeko proiektua da. Partaideen garapen pertsonala sustatzea du helburu, ikuspegi fisiko, psikiko eta sozial batetik.
Euskadi Lagunkoia is an initiative promoted by the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government and implemented by the Fundación Matia, which aims to encourage participation by the elderly, and citizens in general, in order to improve neighbourhoods and environments in th
The Etxean Ondo project is an initiative by the Matia Fundazioa-Matia Institute and the Basque Government consisting of the development of a model of care based on the preferences of people and covering home, environment and residential care.
This project is a contribution to the development and refinement of the model of care for elderly people currently being developed by different institutions and agents in Spain, the so-called integrated model based on the person1.
Etxean Ondo is a pilot project that aims to implement and validate the comprehensive person-centred care model for people who are in situations of frailty or dependency, and who live in their own homes.
Improving health care, and rising awareness about maintaining a happy lifetime, healthy aging and high standards of life quality are increasing the long life expectancy of EU citizens which is a true source of pride for the EU.
This report on disability and dependence of elderly people in the Basque Country aims to have an in-depth analysis of the dimensions and characteristics of people with disabilities and/or dependency, by exploiting the results of the aforementioned EDAD from 2008.
Throughout this project, aspects were collected that, above all, are considered novel and sometimes complex and that, therefore must be analysed from different perspectives and disciplinary and institutional cultures, and should be tested on an experimental basis, to search for the best ways to a