HomeParticipation in forums

Participation in forums


A meeting point for sharing knowledge and experiences. A section in which all opinions are welcome. We participate and contribute by sharing our knowledge in different discussion and opinion forums.

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  Date: May 2022
Type: Webinar
 Professionals: Sara Marsillas, Pura Diaz-Veiga
  Keywords: emotions

"What emotions teach us to live better".

Cartel de las Jornadas Cuidándonos en Errenteria
  Date: May 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Nerea Galdona

Conference organised by the associations Duintasuna and Gipuzkoako Senideak with our colleague Nerea Galdona giving an "Approach to intervention programmes aimed at carers".

  Date: May 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Mayte Sancho
  Keywords: Seniors, care, Housing

The longevity we enjoy in Spain requires rethinking the housing models for senior citizens and adapting them to new life circumstances.

Cartel anunciador: Museos e demencia
  Date: August 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Cristina Buiza
  Date: April 2022
Type: Congress
 Professionals: Elena del Barrio
  Keywords: ageism


Communication, social image and aging: ageisms kill more.

Multidisciplinary round table: 8 strategies for a positive longevity. 

Imagen anunciadora de la jornada
  Date: April 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Mayte Sancho

This conference aims to be a space for knowledge, reflection and debate on local care policies from different perspectives.

Cartel anunciador: Congreso LARES 2022
  Date: April 2022
Type: Congress

Lares and EAN are organising this interesting event under the theme "Long-term care: Team and Talent" to discuss long-term care, find solutions, showcase and share best practices, examples and new ideas.

Cartel anunciador de la jornada: "El cuidado importa"
  Date: April 2022
Type: Conference

The aim of the conference is to present the results of the research project "CUMADE. Care matters. Gender impact on carers of the elderly and dependents in times of Covid-19" carried out between June 2020 and June 2021. 

Cartel anunciador: Jornada "Democratización de los Cuidados"
  Date: March 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Maider Azurmendi

Emagin Elkartea's conference invites us to reflect on the way forward to guarantee the collective right to care from a feminist perspective.

Imagen anunciadora de la webinar
  Date: March 2022
Type: Webinar
 Professionals: Maider Azurmendi

This event, organised by the Col-legi de Treball Social de Catalunya, will focus on two of the challenges on which social work is working most intensely: the transition from an individualised model of home care to a more community-based model and the mistreatment of the elderly.
