HomeParticipation in forums

Participation in forums


A meeting point for sharing knowledge and experiences. A section in which all opinions are welcome. We participate and contribute by sharing our knowledge in different discussion and opinion forums.

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Imagen Jornada Técnica: Alternativas habitacionales. Cohousing
 Year: August 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Maider Azurmendi

The event is organised by the Madrid City Council's Directorate-General for the Elderly, with the focus on housing alternatives for the elderly.

Imagen de la jornada Fragilidades de Caritas Gipuzkoa
 Year: September 2022
Type: Conference

The conference will address the issue of the frailties we may experience throughout our lives and how community settings help to address them.

Cartel anunciador del curso de verano: "Arquitecturas para el envejecimiento"
 Year: September 2022
Type: Course
 Professionals: Elisa Pozo Menéndez

Summer course at the UPV in which different aspects related to the ageing of the population are addressed from a social, urban and architectural perspective, with contributions from complementary disciplines.

Cartel anunciador del curso: La soledad: el gran reto del siglo XXI
 Year: July 2022
Type: Course
 Professionals: Sara Marsillas

Summer course of the Fundación General of the University of Malaga dedicated to loneliness, as a phenomenon that arises as a result of a perceived discrepancy between social needs and their availability; in other words, it is an emotional state that reflects the subjective experience of the person suffering from social isolation.

 Year: July 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Nerea Etxaniz

The aim of this conference is to present good practices and to reflect on possible innovations and improvements regarding the role of the home help service in the range of support services provided to frail or dependent elderly people at home.

Cartel anunciador cursos de verano de la Universidad de Cantabria
 Year: July 2022
Type: Course
 Professionals: Laura Fernández

This course aims to promote reflection on the care model of the future, to analyse current and future challenges, and to learn about good practices and trends in this field at an international level.

Cartel del curso en Usurbil
 Year: July 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Erkuden Aldaz, Maider Azurmendi

Conference organised by the Basque Summer University (UEU), Jakin and Usurbil Town Council with #ElkarEkin, which aims to analyse what the Basque Country will be like in 2040 and, in view of this, to reflect on what possibilities we have and how to achieve territorial balance, the revitalisation of the language and the democratisation of welfare policies and models of care and attention.

 Year: June 2022
Type: Conference

The next 29 June will be the event to celebrate the 10 years of Euskadi Lagunkoia's trajectory. It will review the experiences and milestones achieved during 10 years of journey and friendliness.
